Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I SEE DEAD PEOPLE. Okay, you got me – I don’t really see dead people, I just spend a lot of time looking for them. I look on web pages, message boards, in libraries, courthouses, cemeteries – if there’s a chance a dead ancestor might be lurking somewhere, I’ll look.

As a kid, I would hold my breath as our car motored past cemeteries (no breathing in dead spirits for this girl). Now, I look longingly as we go past, wondering if anybody I “know” is resting there. My husband will sometimes catch the look and say with a sigh, “Do you want to stop?” “Oh yes, could we?”

If you’re nodding in agreement, then you know what bug that has infected me – the genealogy bug. I caught a bad case of it seven years ago, when my mother dragged me to the Hayes Presidential Center under the guise of “bonding time.” She was doing research for an Internet Cousin and knew that it was safe taking me anywhere that housed lots and lots of books. One turn of the reel and a peek at names on a census page and I was a goner. My mother is still apologizing. 

The goal of this blog is to focus on the wedding of Internet and genealogy. I know, some of you will be shuddering at using the words Internet and genealogy in the same sentence, but hear me out. Online original records are starting to sprout up here and there on the web. True, most are on subscription-based sites currently, but I think this is just a taste of good things to come. I’m not advocating wholehearted abandonment of genealogical fieldwork, but I am saying that the Internet, when used wisely, can jump-start your family history research. 

So pull up a chair, get that second cup of java, and look in on my blog from time to time. I hope you will share your thoughts, your comments and your stories with me, as I intend to share those same things with you. Until next time, happy ancestral digging. Note this post first published online, September 4, 2007, at Desktop Genealogist Blog at The News-Messenger Online http://www.thenews-messenger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=BLOGS02

©4 Sept 2007, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 


