Friday, June 20, 2008

Yo Momma and Dirty Diaper Humor

Warning - those of you who have difficulty controlling your gag reflex will want to pass on this post. This post may also be offensive to those with good taste. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! 

Not that this has anything to do with genealogy, more like family relationships, but I’ve been lurking on a blog entitled, “Postcards from Yo Momma.” Seeing the name, I was a little concerned that one of my three darling children may have instigated the blog as I have been know to sign my emails to them, Yo Momma. Thank goodness, none of my offspring had anything to do with the inception of this website. It was the brainchild of Jessica Grose and Doree Shafrir, who call it a “repository of modern day maternal correspondence.” If you think all mothers send their children dainty little email missives, you would be dead wrong. 

Take, for example, the mother who after seeing her child’s school grades, wrote, “What’s wrong with you?” reminding her son that she had, “enough problems, without you adding to them.”

Or how about the mom, 60 years old, who was going to be pole dancing at a wedding shower. She goes on to admonish her child to, “Look for a flask because the booze sit (sec) for the wedding is NONE!”

Ah, yes, motherly love is a wonderful thing. You should know that some mother’s actually use CURSE words when writing to their children. It’s hard to believe that any child could create such passionate, angry vibes from their maternal parent, but apparently, this happens. Not that I have ever written anything close to swearing in an email to any of my brood, I’m too smart. I know that anything out there in the written world can come back to bite you – hard! The closest thing to an off color email I have sent to any of my offspring was a link to a blog post that talked about a large, um, excrement (read poop) problem. I sent this to my middle child for a variety of reasons.

1. When this particular child was a little guy still sleeping in a crib, he became bored waiting for me to come and get him up one morning. His solution to his boredom involved reaching into his diaper and smearing the contents (read poop) all over his face. By the time I came into his bedroom, all I could see clearly was his right eye. (Do I need to tell you he had pasted the left one shut with his, um, working medium?) Had he made the same mess on a blanket, stuffed animal or even his crib, there is no doubt in my mind, I would have simply thrown the soiled article out. But one cannot throw out a perfectly good child, now can one?

I won’t tell you exactly how I managed to clean him up. I’m not sure if the statute of limitations has run out on child endangerment even if it has been over three decades. Let’s just say that the boy never sought to alleviate his boredom in this manner again.

2. Maybe owing to his earlier experience, this particular child has always found fecal matter (read poop) humor to be amusing. I blame this on the fact that he apparently inherited the “warped humor” gene from both grandfathers. Not that either of these gentleman shared this particular brand of humor, but when you combine a WH (warped humor) gene from both the maternal and paternal lines, the result can be a little over the top. 

3. For years, I have been the one clucking solemn disapproval at this son’s predilection for excrement humor. I knew he would be shocked that I had sent him the link. Sometimes you just have shake up your adult child’s assumptions about you. 

I haven’t seen any excrement references on “Postcards from Yo Momma” but nothing is sacred. So if you are not too easily shocked, can handle the idea that a female parent might occasionally swear, and just want to be sure your child hasn’t sold you out for a brief moment of fame, you will want to check out this website. You should know, it can be addictive! 

Until Next Time!

© 20 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mary, Mary Mary? Part Two - Will the real Mary Shirkey please step forward

Yesterday, I wrote about Mary Shirkey of Seneca County, who had not one, but three different identities. Because I wanted to put the correct Mary with her children, I embarked on a little extra research of each of her supposed identities. In my previous post, I summarized my findings and conclusions on Mary Armes Thompson and Mary Beam. Today I conclude with the final Mary, Mary Good originally of Shenandoah County. 

Identity 3 - Mary Good of Shenandoah County, Virginia, daughter of William Good II and Susannah Kauffman Good. 

This theory was advanced by Thelma Shope who like me, descended from Mary’s eldest brother, Joseph Good. Velma June Good Hulvey wrote a book entitled, “The William Good Family” which traced the descendants of William Good II’s father, William Good I. 

The original book came out in the late 1970’s. Because so many people responded with new information, a revised edition was printed in 1996. This version included the information that Mary Good was the wife of John Shirkey and that the family settled in Seneca County. No supporting information or documentation was given, so in March of 2004, I called Mrs. Hulvey, and asked about the source of the information. Mrs. Hulvey was very gracious and told me that Thelma Shope (whom she had listed in her book) was the source of the information. Unfortunately, Thelma had died in July of 2003. I had never met Thelma, but had stumbled across her queries and other information as I was doing my own research. I decided I would have to reconstruct the information Thelma had used to decide that Mary Good was Mary Shirkey, 

1. Velma Hulvey in her book, “The William Good Family,” had included a transcription for a Land Deed done in Shenandoah County, Virginia dated August 27, 1830. I was later able to get a copy of this deed from the Library of Virginia. Located in Shenandoah County’s Deed Book 11, pages 495- 498, the first few sentences read as follows: “This Indenture made this 27 day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty between Susannah Good, widow and relict William Good deceased, Thomas Toppin and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth Good of the County of Shenandoah, Joseph Good and Magdalene his wife, Jacob Good and Catharine his wife, John Shirkey and Mary his wife late Mary Good, William Minick and Nancy his wife, late Nancy Good, all of the County of Rockingham and State of Virginia, John Good of the County of Shenandoah, Michael Zirkle and Margaret his wife, late Margaret Good of the county of Clark and State of Ohio and Samuel Bulman and Susannah his wife late Susannah Good of the County of Shenandoah and State of Virginia aforesaid, children and heirs of the said William Good deceased of the one part and John Zirkle of the County of Shenandoah and State of Virginia aforesaid of the other part.” This establishes that Mary Good did marry one John Shirkey, that she was the daughter of William and Susannah Good, and that as of August 27, 1830 John and Mary were living in Rockingham County of Virginia.

2. Joseph Good and Magdalene, my great great great grandparents and son of William II and Susannah Kauffman Good migrated to Ohio in 1831. Both John Shirkey and Joseph Good were issued land patents from the Tiffin Office on May 25, 1832. As it turned out, May 25 was the only day that land patents were issued from the Tiffin Office in May of 1832. 138 patents were issued that day for land in Seneca County, Ohio. It is interesting to note that Joseph Good’s land patents were numbered 4785 and 4786 and that John Shirkey’s land patent was 4787. It is tempting to ascribe the consecutive numbers with patents that were applied for at the same time.

3. According to the Original Land Entries listed in Warner, Beers & Company’s “History of Seneca County”, 1886, for Liberty Township, only 4 land entries were completed in June of 1831. One entry was dated June 18, 1831 and was for land in Section 1 for Isaac Myers. The other three entries were dated June 3, 1831. These were Joseph Good, e. 1/2 n. e. 1/4 sec. 8, John Shirkey, e 1/2 s. e. 1/4 sec. 8 and Joseph Good, w. 1/2 n. w 1/4 sec. 9. Below is a graphical representation for original land entries for Sections 8 and 9 of Liberty Township of Seneca County, Ohio. It is easy to see that the entries for Joseph Good and John Shirkey were side by side. This together with the fact that the land was acquired on the same day makes it easy to assume that the two were acquainted prior to moving to Seneca County. This is especially true when you consider that it is a known fact that Joseph Good had a brother-in-law named John Shirkey, that the original land entries were entered on the same day and that the land was side by side and that both Joseph Good and John Shirkey disappear from Rockingham County sometime after 1831. (Note John Shirkey appears in personal tax lists of Rockingham County 1829, 1830 and 1831 – there was no record of him prior to the 1829 list nor after the 1831 list.) There were a number of Joseph Good’s located in Rockingham County at this time. It is known that a Joseph Good with wife Magdalene sold two pieces of property. One was sold in November of 1830 and a second in April of 1831. 

4. Additionally, while I was doing some searching online, I found a message on Genforum from a Good researcher who listed all the children of Susannah and William Good II along with birth years. To make the long story short, as was the custom in the Good family, a family bible was given to the youngest child in the family - in this case, that child was Susannah Good Bollman, sister of Joseph and Mary. In Susannah Good Bollman’s family, the bible was handed down through her only daughter Margaret Ellen Bollman Pearson. The researcher had heard rumors of the bible. On a visit to family in Bloomfield Iowa in 1985, she tracked the bible down. Apparently, it was being kept in cardboard box on a screened in porch and was mildewed and badly worn. The researcher wrote to me saying, “I almost promised to give up my first born in order to get it away from her long enough to run to a local grocery store to make copies and return it immediately. One of the cousins even accompanied me – as if I planned to make a break for home.” After I explained what I was trying to do, copies of the birth dates (which were in German) of William and Susannah’s children were made and sent to me. Though the copy is difficult to read, I can make out Maria’s (or Mary’s) name and the date of her birth. “In Year 1798 on 3 October was our daughter born that was named Maria” – this is the English translation of the entry. 

5. The bible inscription presented a problem as the tombstone of Mary Shirkey indicates (according to transcriptions) that she was aged 71 years 4 months and 20 days, with her death date listed as February 24, 1873. By my calculation this would make a birth date of October 4th, 1801, which was 3 years and 1 day off from Mary Good Shirkey’s indicated birthday. This was suspiciously close, and made me continue my investigating. Unfortunately, when I went to the Crissa/Andrews Cemetery myself, I was unable to read the inscription. Therefore, I had to look at other record and newspaper clippings. 

6. Census – 1850 Census, State of Ohio, Seneca County, Liberty Township, visit 2067 lists Mary Shirkey as 48 which would coincide with the date of Oct 4, 1801 as Mary’s birth date. 

7. Census – 1860 Census, State of Ohio, Seneca County, Liberty Township, visit 955 lists Mary Shirkey as 62, which would support an October 3, 1798 birth date. 

8. Census – 1870 Census, State of Ohio, Seneca County, Liberty Township, visit 183 lists Mary Shirkey as 72 again supporting an October 3, 1798 birthdate.

9. Record of Deaths, Probate Court, in and for the County of Seneca, Ohio, Volume 2, pages 51 and 52 list Mary’s death as the following: Date of Record: June 10, 1873 No: 116 Name in Full: Shirky, Mary Age: 74 Sex: (left blank) Color: White Condition: Married Occupation: Wife Disease: Dropsy Direct or Indirect Cause of Death: (left blank) Date of Death: 1873, February 24 Place of Death: Liberty Township Place of Birth: Virginia Last Place of Residence: Liberty Township Names of Parents: (left blank) The age would support a 1798 birth.

10. Newspaper Article, Seneca Advertiser June 5, 1873, page 3, column 3: Deaths – The following deaths of old citizens over fifty years of age are taken from the Accessors records: … Liberty – Rachel Kime, 65; Mary Sherky, 74; … Conclusion: Based on the above information I believe Mary Shirkey, the wife of John Shirkety of Seneca County, to be the daughter of William Good II and Susannah Kauffman Good. 

Note: I believe that the tombstone was carved incorrectly or that a 4 was mistaken for a 1 in the age listed for Mary Shirkey. Since I could not read the inscription myself, this is only a theory. So, does my research and logic make sense? Have I solved the riddle of Mary, Mary – who’s the real Mary? I leave it for you to decide. 

Until Next Time!

© 19 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mary, Mary, Mary? Part One = Will the real Mary Shirkey please step forward

Normally, my problem with female branches of the family tree is a missing maiden name. In the case of Mary Shirkey, wife of John Shirkey of Liberty Township, Seneca County, Ohio the problem is just the opposite. Mary has too many maiden names. She has been given three identities! 

I came across Mary when I was doing research on my ggg grandfather, Joseph Good. One of her three identities was Mary Good, sister to Joseph. Imagine my surprise to find her also listed as Mary Beam and Mary Armes Thompson – all three with Virginia roots. Though my goal had been only to do research on Joseph, Mary and her three identities nagged at me. How would I feel if 200 years from now, some descendent assigned someone else as the mother of my children instead of me? Not only would that wipe out my relationship with my children, but also my children’s relationship with my parents, and both of my grandmothers, all of whom played important roles in their childhood. So, I decided to take a closer look at each of Mary’s claimed identities, hoping to find a winner in the “Who is Mary” sweepstakes. 

Today you will see a summary of my findings and conclusions of two of Mary’s personas. Tomorrow I will conclude with the final identity. If you see any holes in my logic, please feel free to let me know. My concern is that I may have let my own bias creep into my deductive reasoning process. After all, my true goal is to put the correct Mary with her correct children, not add another relative to the family tree.

Identity No. 1 - Mary Armes Thompson of Botentourt County, Virginia and daughter of John Thompson. 
1. John Shirkey of Seneca County was probably of German extraction, as several marriages and deaths of the family were reported in the German Language Newspaper, The Fremont Courier, in neighboring Sandusky County.

2. There are two distinct and separate Shirkey families in Virginia in the late 18th century and early 19th century. One Shirkey family was of Irish descent – some would later use the name Sharkey, and one was of German speaking descent. 

3. The Irish-speaking group lived in Botentourt County, Virginia and it is into this family that Mary Arms Thompson married on September 9, 1821.

4. The 1850 Census finds John and Mary with a number of their children living in Botentourt County, District 8 visit 772 at this same time John and Mary Shirkey are listed as living in Seneca County, of Ohio in Liberty Township. 

5. Sometime between 1850 and 1860 the family moves to Victoria County, Texas - John dies and in the 1860 Census, Mary and several children are found in Victoria County, Texas, Victoria City, visit 207. 

Conclusion: Mary Armes Thompson is not Mary Shirkey, wife of John Shirkey living in Seneca County, Ohio.
Identity No. 2 - Mary Beam of Rockingham County, Virginia.

(The information stating that Mary Shirkey was Mary Beam was found on World Connect. I contacted two different researchers to find the basis for their information. This led me to the “original” researcher who was the “source” of their information.) 

1. The source originally appeared to be a bible found by Daisy Shirkey Rearick. However, upon questioning of information, I found the source to be another Shirkey researcher who had been looking at both Irish and German Shrkeys and had in the 1980’s been in contact with Jo Shirkey Holbert. Mrs. Haubert had employed a genealogist in Virginia. The genealogist had found a John Sherfy married to a Mary Beam of Rockingham County. It was felt by this genealogist that Shirkey might be a corruption of the Sherfy name. Jo had passed this information to the Shirkey researcher and along with the finding of a family bible, and the two pieces of information were erroneously conjoined and said to be the proof that Mary Beam was Mary Shirkey. It is possible the genealogist was referring to Mariah Beahm, daughter of Abraham Beahm who married John A. Sherfy. This family relocated to Tennessee where Mariah is said to have died in 1839. John went back to Rockingham to choose a second bride, Catherine Garber. Mariah’s sisters, Catherine and Margaretha also married into Sherfy family. 

2. The date given for Mary Beam’s birth was from Mary Shirkey’s tombstone or the transcribed copy of the tombstone located in Crissa/Andrews cemetery. A date of birth for the supposed Mary Beam was not given or found in the family bible. 3.
Conclusion: Uncertain whether Mary Beam is or is not Mary Shirkey, wife of John Shirkey living in Seneca County, Ohio.

 © 18 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

Playing Genealogical Catch Up (not Catsup)!

We’re friends, right? And friends forgive friends for little transgressions, right? So, I’m hoping you will understand and forgive me when I tell you I have fallen sadly behind in letting you know about some IMPORTANT things, like carnival postings. While I’m about to rectify this, I have to be honest and tell you, unless my life slows down a little bit, this probably won’t be the last time I am tardy on giving you the scoop on things.

Back a couple of weeks ago, the Carnival of Genealogy posted its 49th edition and the subject was swimsuits. You’ll have to check out some of the interesting posts on this. Jasia, as usual, was a wonderful host. Currently, she’s busy reading, Janet Evanovich’s latest book, so maybe she won’t notice what a tardy friend I’ve been. 

Jessica of "Jessica’s Genejournal" posted the 8th Edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy. This is one of the Carnival’s that I would like to post to, but my knowledge of this part of my heritage is a bit sketchy. Next month’s carnival is going to be about research and techniques, which is a great topic and something that I have enough experience (and frustration) with to have something to write. In addition, I owe a debt to Jessica, because she was the first person in the genealogy blog world to “find” my blog and post about it, which makes her special in my book. Jessica is the queen at finding new genealogy and historical themed blogs, and she keeps links for every one of them on her blog-site. 

Randy Seaver had an interesting post (well, of course they all are) that talked about one stop searching of Rootsweb’s Archived Mailing List. If you are heavy into Internet Genealogy but have not yet found this cool way to search, you definitely will want to check it out. Okay, this one is OLD, but interesting for a number of reasons. 

Dick Eastman wrote a post called “I have a Complaint Concerning Many Genealogists” back in May about individuals responding negativelyh to fee based websites. Apparently, he’d had a long day and just one too many complaints and wrote a personal essay on the subject. Wow, did he get a response. He then wrote a follow-up which was just as interesting. You have to read not only his essays but also the comments they elicited. 

Terry Thornton of “Hill Country of Monroe County” put together a post entitled “Roundup of blog titles: Poem lines worth reading,” which featured a variety of interesting titles of various blogs during that week. Terry never fails to delight with his unique way of looking at things, which is why you can’t afford to forgo reading his blog. 

Becky Wiseman of “Kinexxions” wrote a post about another Genea-blogger, Miriam Robbins Midkiff being featured on a post at Inside Google Book Search – Go Miriam and thanks Becky for pointing this out! 

And last, but definitely not least, FM has posted the latest edition of “Smile for the Camera” posted at her Shades of the Departed blog. The subject was Belles and Beaus and featured posts about special pictures of weddings, courting or just plain love. It didn’t take me long to go through all of the posts – and the subject is one that is sure to please. 

There is one post where the link is not working. Craig Manson of "GeneaBlogie" has moved his blog-site and so you will need to click on this link, to see his post of a nineteen-year-old beauty, entitled A St. Louis Belle

Next month’s topic for the Smile for the Camera Carnival instructs us to “Choose a photograph of an ancestor, relative, yourself, or an orphan photograph that shows a celebration of home. “

All of you reading this that have your own News-Messenger account can create your own blog, and submit a post for the next carnival. If you have always wanted to something like this, submitting to the Smile for the Camera Carnival might be a great way to start. Footnote Maven is a gracious hostess who will treat your offerings with gentle respect. While you are at the Shades of the Departed blog-site, check out all the interesting posts. Shades is more like a cross between a blog and an e-zine, with a variety of guest contributors (you have to read Jasia’s “Digital Scrapbooking for Genealogists”) and FM’s post “I Think She’s Dead!” along with the follow up post “I Still Think She’s Dead – And Here’s Why.” 

Okay, now that I've give you a great reading list, I have just one question.. Am I forgiven? 

UPDATE! Bill West of "West of New England" is hosting the 50th Edition (Whoo Hoo!) of the Carnival of Genealogy. The subject is family pets. I haven't had a chance to read it myself, but you know it will be an interesting read. Thanks Bill for being such a good host!

© 18 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

A few years ago, I found a poem entitled, “Fathers and Daughters” by an unknown poet. It seems a fitting tribute to the bond shared between a father and his daughter. In part the poem reads, “In his eyes, she will always be his little princess, the light of his life. In her eyes he will always be the brave knight who slayed the monsters in her closet, her hero, her protector.” No little boy grows up praying to become the father of daughters. It’s not really the kind of life ambition that has a high priority. Yet somehow, once that bundle of pink is placed into his arms, the boy turned man, grows into the role. The pinnacle moment for that role is when he walks his daughter down that long bridal aisle, handing his precious baby over to another. My father has made that walk three times – in 1972, 1974 and 1999. I don’t know what Dad said to my sisters as he guided them to the strains of The Wedding March, but with me, his eldest daughter, he was making little jokes and comments. People mistook this for radiance on my part, but it was just a case of my dad totally cracking me up – as usual.

I count myself lucky to have my father as my dad. A father is the yardstick by which all other men are measured. In my Dad’s case, he has set the bar very high. Happy Father’s Day, Dad. With love, Your Eldest Daughter

© 15 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

News You Can Use - Limited Time Free Viewing of Ancestry's Historical Newspaper Collection

Juliana Smith of Ancestry's "24-7 Family History Circle" Blog is reporting free access to Ancestry's Historical Newspaper Collection from now through June 19. According to Ancestry, a recent update doubled the collection by adding 20 million images. If you've wanted to checkout this collection, now would be a good time. Enjoy!

© 13 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - A Day in Amish Country

Pictures Taken by Terry Snyder in Holmes County, Ohio June 11, 2008

© 11 June 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 


