A. Eastern Europe 1. http://www.kartenmeister.com/preview/databaseUwe.asp
“Database of locations are EAST of the Oder and Neisse rivers and are based on the borders of the eastern provinces in Spring 1918. Included in this database are the following provinces: Eastprussia, including Memel, Westprussia, Brandenburg.
Posen, Pomerania, and Silesia.”
Gives both German and Polish names of villages and towns.
Website in German, English and Polish
2. http://feefhs.org/
The Federation of East European Family History Societies
Resource for All of Eastern Europe – Maps, Links etc.
Pomeranian Links
Website in both German and English
3. http://pom-wpru.kerntopf.com/index.htm
Useful information about the counties along the border between former Prussian Provinces Pomerania and West Prussia. Counties include
Butow - Pomerania
Lauenburg – Pomerania
Stolp – Pomerania
Karthaus – West Prussia
Neustadt – West Prussia
Putzig – West Prussia
Website in German with some English Subtitles
4. http://www.ruegenwalde.com/pommern/index.htm
Pommerninfo – Information and links for All Pommern Counties
Website in German
5. http://hinterpommern.de/
Pommern – Das Land am Meer
Information and links for Pomerania East of the Oder-Neisse Line
Website in German and some English
6. http://pommerndatenbank.de/
Searchable databases including
A. Contact exchange between Pommern family researchers – Pommernkontakte
B. Search Family Names in various Address books from years 1869 -1938
C. Search Church Books and Civil Records Database for availability of records and their location
Website in English and German
7. http://www.bogenschneider.org/pomerania.htm
Pomeranian Genealogy Resources - Excellent website for links!
8. http://pomeranianews.com/welcome.html
Die Pommerschen Leute
Website for the Quarterly Newsletter devoted to the Duchy of Pomerania
Published by The Immigrant Genealogical Society Pomeranian Special Interest
Maps, Articles, and Links
Website in English
9. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mnprgm/PRG.html
The Pommern Regional Group of Minnesota
Information on Pomeranian Culture and Links
10. http://www.pommerschervereinfreistadt.org/Home/tabid/68/Default.aspx
Pommerscher Verein Freistad
Culture and History of Pomerania
II. Pomeranian County Links
Website English and German
1. http://www.hinterpommern-info.de/index.html
Herzlich Willkommen im Landkreis Stolp i. Pommern
Information about specific villages in Stolp Kreis
Links to other information
Website in German
2. http://www.powiatslupsk.info/
Powiat Slupski
Information about towns and villages of Stolp Kreis
Website in German and Polish
3 http://belgard.org/
Information on Pommern - Kreis Belgard – Schivelbein
Websites in German
4. http://www.buetow-pommern.info/
Information on Pommern – Kreis Bütow
5. http://www.cammin-pommern.de/
Information on Pommern - Kreis Cammin
6. http://www.deutsch-krone.de/
Information on Pommern – Kreis Deutsch Krone
7. http://www.lauenburg-pommern.de/ Information on Pommern – Kreis Lauenburg
8. http://www.naugard.de/ Information on Pommern – Kreis Naugard
9. http://www.netzekreis.de/ Information on Pommern – Netzekreis
10. http://www.rummelsburg.de/ Information on Pommern - Kreis Rummelburg
11. http://www.geocities.com/schlochau/index.html Information on Pommern –Kreis Schlochau
Website in German and some Polish
12. http://www.kolberg-koerlin.de/
Information on Pommern – Kreis Kolberg-Körlin
Website in German and English
13. http://www.schlawe.de/
Information on Pommern – Kreis Schlawe
Website in English and German
14. http://list.genealogy.net/mailman/listinfo/stolp-l
Mailing list for Researchers of the Pomeranian County of Stolp
Instructions in German, English, French and Dutch
Website German but some on list read and write English
1. http://www.genealogy.net/genealogy.html
German Genealogy Portal
Website in German and some English
2. http://immigrantgensoc.org/
The Immigrant Genealogical Society
Collection of German and American Genealogy – Research Service from Library
Website in English
3. http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/about.cfm
German History in Documents and Images
Collection of Historical documents, images, maps pertaining to German History
From 1500 -2006 (Note some sections still under construction)
Website in German and English
4 http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/RG/frameset_rg.asp?Dest=G1&Aid=&Gid=&Lid=&Sid=&Did=&Juris1=&Event=&Year=&Gloss=&Sub=&Tab=&Entry=&Guide=Ger_BMD_RefDoc_HandbookGermanResearch.ASP
“A Genealogical Handbook of German Research” by Larry O. Jensen
This can be downloaded as a PDF file from FamilySearch website.
Website in English
5. http://www.volksbund.de/
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.
Website of the German War Graves Commission with information on German
Soldiers who died in World War I and World War II
Website in German
6. http://mki.wisc.edu/
Max Kade Institute for German American Studies
Documents, Maps, Information, Resources, Links
Website in English (some links in German)
7. http://home.att.net/~wee-monster/germanlinks.html
Links for Geman Genealogy on the Internet
Joe Beine’s very useful German links recently celebrated it’s 10 year anniversary.
Website in English
Information on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Genealogy Program
Procedures and fees for requesting Index Search and Record Copy Request
(Note you can now make these requests online)
2. http://www.ellisisland.org/
Ellis Island
Search Passenger Manifests for Immigrant Ancestors
1. http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en
Google Language Tools
Can translate both text and websites into from approximately 30 different languages into English., including Polish. Muy Bueno!
2. http://babelfish.yahoo.com/
Yahoo Babel Fish
Can translate both text and website from 12 languages into English. Does not include Polish.
1. http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=44.023938~-99.71&style=h&lvl=4&tilt=-89.875918865193&dir=0&alt=7689462.6842358
Microsoft Virtual Earth
Look at Earth in 3D
2. http://www.google.com/intl/en/
Google Earth
3D view of the world and more.
© 9 November 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder