Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A conversation with a 3-year-old

I'm pulling out a bottle of cranberry juice from my refrigerator to pour a glass for lunch. This is the first lunch that my Friday friend and I have had since mid-December. He's asking me what the bottle is, and I am telling him that it is cranberry juice and that grandpa thinks it's yucky. 

“Well dat not very nice of him,” the 3-year-old tells me.

Surprised, I laugh and agree, asking my young friend if he would like to have a taste of it. He considers it for only a second. “No, I already hab juice.” 

A clear definite no if ever there was one. Apparently, while he considers his grandfather's pronouncement on my juice not very nice, he also considers it very true. I missed the little guy!

Until Next Time ... Note this post first published online, January 15, 2008, at Desktop Genealogist Blog at The News-Messenger Online http://www.thenews-messenger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=BLOGS02

© 15 January 2008, Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Teresa L. Snyder 

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